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27.4 Definitions

27.4.1 Institutionalized Person

27.4.2 Community Spouse

27.4.3 SSI Recipient and Institutional Medicaid Application

27.4.1 Institutionalized Person

 "Institutionalized person" means someone who:

  1. Participates in Community Waivers, or

  2. Has resided in a medical institution for 30 or more consecutive days, or

  3. Is likely to reside in a medical institution for 30 or more consecutive days, as attested to by the medical institution.


An exception to the 30-day period is that a resident of an IMD is considered an institutionalized person until he or she is discharged.


The 30-day period includes situations in which the person resides in more than one medical institution during 30 or more consecutive days. However, an individual is not considered “institutionalized” if he or she meets this 30-day test but is in a medical institution solely for the purpose of receiving residential substance use disorder treatment.

27.4.2 Community Spouse

See community spouse in Glossary.

27.4.3 SSI Recipient and Institutional Medicaid Application

An SSI recipient who has resided or is likely to reside in a medical institution for 30 days or more may apply and be non-financially eligible for institutional Medicaid if the SSA will discontinue the person's SSI because of the financial effect of his or her residence in the medical institution.


An SSI recipient who has not resided or is not likely to reside in a medical institution for 30 days or more is non-financially ineligible for institutional Medicaid.  The person remains Medicaid eligible through SSI.



This page last updated in Release Number: 21-01
Release Date: 03/29/2021
Effective Date: 03/29/2021